
A hazard is a source with a situation which has a potential to cause harm.

(Target- People, Property and Planet)

Main 10 Hazards
  1. Gravity ভার
  2. Motion গতি
  3. Electrical বৈদ্যুতিক
  4. Mechanical যান্ত্রিক
  5. Pressure চাপ
  6. Temperature তাপমাত্রা
  7. Chemical রাসায়নিক
  8. Biological জৈবিক
  9. Radiation বিকিরণ
  10. Sound শব্দ

Sources Of Hazard

Hazards exist everywhere at home, at the workplace, on the road, etc. with varying types and dimensions.

1)  Physical Hazards

2)  Chemical Hazards

3)  Biological Hazards

4)  Psycho-social Hazards

5)  Hazards out of human failures

Hazard Identification

Unsafe work conditions
  • Inadequate lighting
  • Poor ventilation
  • Presence of toxic gasses
  • Obstructions at workplace
  • Chemical spills (Leaking)
  • PPE is not in a good and safe condition

Unsafe work practices/ Acts

  • Not use PPE where required
  • Using defective PPE
  • Using PPE incorrectly
  • Ignoring safety signage
  • Horseplay
  • Entering into areas requiring entry permits W/O first obtaining a valid entry permit

Risk Assessment Matrix

Risk level: The point where the severity/consequence (vertical) and probability/likelihood (horizontal) lines meet in the cell. It indicates the level of risk.

Hierarchy of Control

Hierarchy of control is a system used in industry to eliminate or minimize exposure to occupational hazards of protecting workers. It is a widely accepted system promoted by numerous safety organizations. This concept is taught to managers in industry, to be promoted as standard practice in the workplace.


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